

Energie, Ressourcen und Klima – Das STRASSENLAND Festival und die Green World Tour Köln beschäftigen sich mit der Frage „Wie wollen wir leben?“ und machen Lösungsansätze nachhaltiger Stadtgestaltung erfahrbar.

STRASSENLAND ist eine Plattform, auf der kreative Start-ups, innovative Unternehmen, Verwaltung sowie engagierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger zeigen, wie für sie eine nachhaltige, urbane Zukunft ihrer Stadt aussieht. 2024 liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Thema Klima, Energie und Ressourcen.

Mit STRASSENLAND erhalten die beteiligten Akteure und Akteurinnen eine Bühne, die unterschiedlichsten Menschen zu erreichen und zu verbinden, so Straßenraum neu zu entdecken und die möglichen Chancen im Wandel zu erkennen.

Wir möchten Raum bieten, — den Facettenreichtum der bürgergesellschaftlichen Initiativen und partizipativen Gestaltungsaktivitäten kennenzulernen und sich inspirieren zu lassen, — Bewusstheit schaffen, Wandel zu wollen und Raum zu fordern, — bewegen, zur Initiative anregen und Spaß an zivilmotivierter Veränderung generieren.

Das Eventgelände der Nord-Süd-Fahrt ist in verschiedene Erlebnisbereiche gegliedert und erstreckt sich über rund 1,5 Kilometer auf der sonst stark befahrenen Hauptstraße. Die Green World Tour wird mit einer Zeltlandschaft einen Teilbereich des Events ausfüllen. Die Organisatoren rechnen insgesamt mit 150.000 Teilnehmer*innen.

Alle Infos hier.

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House of beautiful business: The Camp

Collaborate. Experiment. Built.

More than 1,000 attendees from a variety of sectors will come together at a farm estate and eighteenth-century family palace just 30 minutes south of Lisbon, Portugal, close to the beautiful Arrábida National Park. Think Un-Conference meets Open-Air festival, with talks, conversations, social experiments, training, workshops, games, music, and dance. A community-led bootcamp for the life-centered economy.

What is the House of Beautiful Business?

We are a global network for the life-centered economy. Our mission is to create a new kind of business that is more purposeful, inclusive, and sustainable. Thought leadership-driven, community-powered, and experience-based, we bring together business leaders, economists, policy-makers, technologists, scientists, artists, and activists through consulting, in-person gatherings, online programs, publications, performances, and art. We inspire and equip them to shape an economy that honors all life inside and around us. Find out more at

Speaker and performers will be proposed and selected by our community (you!) via our Program Builder (launching soon).

Buy your ticket here.

SXSW conference and festival

South by Southwest dedicates itself to helping creative people achieve their goals. Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, SXSW is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of tech, film, music, education, and culture.

Each year, SXSW brings together creatives and industry leaders for 9 days of discovery across a variety of events including Conference sessions, Keynotes, Film & TV Festival screenings, Music Festival showcases, Comedy Festival events, competitions and awards, world-class Exhibitions, and much more.

The SXSW Conference provides an opportunity for the global community of digital creatives to encounter cutting-edge ideas, discover new interests, and network with other professionals who share a similar appetite for forward-focused experiences.

Featuring a variety of tracks that focus on the most important breakthroughs in technology, film, culture, and music, SXSW proves that the most unexpected discoveries happen when diverse topics and people come together.


Secure your SXSW Badge and book your Austin hotel early for the best available rates. Learn more about multiple ways to save on registration.


To prepare for the SX adventure ahead, browse the 2024 SXSW Event Timeline and plan your arrival date based on Registration’s badge pickup times. Plus, stay tuned for a daily breakdown of programming by the hour. Check out more resources on the Attendee Services Hub.


Browse sessions, showcases, screenings, exhibitions, and more on the SXSW Schedule and SXSW GO mobile app. Use filters to explore all confirmed programming and discover what’s in store for 2024. Check out the Schedule Help section to get started on building your list of must-see events!

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